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Balance and Love

Full Moon
June 14, 2003
11:16  GMT
"A Mother?s Contemplation and Full Moon Meditation"
by Tamara Ia
I smile at my daughter as she looks up at me and starts the never-ending game of ?Why?? It reminds me of another cycle, another circuitous song playing over and over in my mind, soul, and body ? that of a woman?s growth and circle of life. why? As I ponder the question ?Why? and think of how best to form an answer, I debate whether or not she will be able to understand. As the ?Why? progresses through its cycle of easy answer, to hard answer, to impossible-to-explain, I think of how my life so resembles this route.
As we progress through puberty, questioning who we are, we wonder if we come from something bigger - a womb the size of another universe perhaps? confused We ask our parents if we were adopted, because this being that we are could not have simply emerged from our mother. Surely, the mixed emotions and confused body signals and mental awareness are something unlike any mother we look up to, any woman in our present day-to-day struggle. We must be from another planet!
As we progress through young womanhood, we wonder if all women have been abused, have all women been so abusive, is this a tragedy of blood, a curse or enigma? hope? This moon cycle business must be a curse, to limit and inhibit us so. Men are a strange species placed here to confuse and anger us. Where are you, goddess of hope?
We progress into full rounded women, with perhaps more than a glimpse of the wisdom we so lacked and desired in young womanhood. As we roll our eyes at young girls in love we say ?Just wait, mehita?, someday it will all make a little more sense?. Eventually, we progress to a place of knowing where not even I am able YES to comprehend yet, not having circled around to the waning crone moon, still enjoying the big fat light of my own hot blooded full moon life. I finally say to my daughter, ?Why not?? and without even thinking she says ?Why, YES?!

How profound?

The questions we as women seek are there somewhere, the wisdom we search out is there for the taking. Ever and always the underlying tow of the full moon tides and quest for challenge pull us toward ?the answer?. However, there are many right answers, a multitude of perfect paths to take.
So, the circle goes round and round and finally one of us just says ?I love you? ? to ourselves, our family, our friends, the ones that think they hate us. love That is the greatest circle of life ? Love. The point at which we finally discover this may be at any point in our life cycle, but one thing is for sure?eventually, we all come to the same conclusion. LOVE, YES!

Perhaps as we move into another full moon we could fill ourselves with questions, and start asking everyone around us? ?WHY?? Might not their answer be so profound that it will change our perspective entirely?

How powerful!

[Tamara Ia is mother to beautiful 3 year old Denali. They spend their time painting, visiting with friends and playing in the garden. Tamara would love to design/build a labyrinth for you, as well as any other artful or architectural projects you have been considering. You may contact Tamara at ]

This article has many areas for discussion if you are conducting a group this Full Moon. The triple goddess - maiden, mother, crone; parenting and being parented; and of course, Love.
Have you heard this song before?

Love is the only power
Love is the only way
Love, Love, Love, Love
Watch our circle grow....

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