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I just had lunch with enlightened MILLIONAIRES! Honestly.

Our newest article shows that YOU can be a Millionaire, too, or whatever you care to manifest in your life. This Full Moon still exhibits the powerful creation energy from the closeness of Mars. I recommend reading The One Minute Millionaire to inspire you and to feel the unlimited choices open to you. What is your heart's desire?

Full Moon
September 10, 2003
16:36  GMT
"Everyone Manifests"
By Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G Allen

Everyone thinks that the principal thing to the tree is the fruit,
but in point of fact the principal thing to it is the seed.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900)

Look around you. Everything you see, began as a thought in someone?s mind. The chair you sit on. The table you work at. The car you drive. The house you live in. The clothes you wear. The television you watch. First, a thought. Then, a thing?brought forth out of nothing. Voil?! There it is. Everything begins as a thought.

The verb for turning thoughts into things is??to manifest.? It comes from the Middle English word Manifestus meaning visible and the Latin word manus meaning hand. When you manifest something you metaphorically reach your hand through the invisible curtain separating the tangible world from the world of imagination and pull your desired object into existence.

First, you think it and then, you manifest it. You ?materialize? it. You cause it to appear. Everyone manifests. Some people manifest abundance. Others manifest lack. If you don?t have what you want, examine your thoughts. Ask yourself, ?How did I manifest this??

You are the fruit of the thoughts you have planted and nourished. If you want a better harvest, you must plant better thoughts. Just like an apple seed will not produce a peach tree, poor thoughts will not produce prosperity. As surely as the acorn becomes the oak tree, the images in your mind become your reality.

Thoughts are things. Every thought has a consequence. No thought lives in your brain rent-free. Each thought is a pebble dropped into the pond of your life?the ripples are real. The more intense the thought, the more powerful the outcome. An angry thought gets picked up like a radio wave. People can sense it. Animals can smell it. The whole energy system surrounding you is infected. Weed out such thoughts.

Think positive thoughts, intensely. Grow enthusiastic images, boldly. Speak only wonderful words to yourself, constantly. Feel fantastic, NOW! This colors your view of the world. Like a magnet, you attract the resources necessary to manifest the world you desire.

Everything manifested around you made someone a fortune. Everywhere you look, you can see it. The chair you sit in. The table you work at. The car you drive. The house you live in. The clothes you wear. The television you watch. Everywhere you look?every thing you see has made or is making someone millions.

There are millions of enlightened ways to manifest a million dollars. We want to be your manifestation coaches. We want to support you in changing your economic history and together we change the economic history of the world.

From the book: THE ONE MINUTE MILLIONAIRE by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen. Copyright ? 2002 by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen.
Published by arrangement with Harmony Books, a division of Random House.

Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen Now, two mega-bestselling authors with decades of experience in teaching people how to achieve extraordinary wealth and success share their secrets. Mark Victor Hansen, cocreator of the phenomenal Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and Robert G. Allen, one of the world's foremost financial experts, have helped thousands of people become millionaires. Now it's your turn.

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(valued at $329.90) for only $11.95 AND get free shipping!

In your meditation today observe what manifest means to you. Do you prefer using a synonym? What do you think about? Are your thoughts joyful and positive, or fear-based? What are you creating in your life? Use this meditation time to see and feel an ideal life for yourself and the world around us. If you are meeting as a group, you may choose one category, like wealth, to meditate on in your circle. See each member enjoying their fullest life and then offer to share your thoughts and inspirations with each other.

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