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Full Moon

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It's time for a meditation! We came across this powerful one and immediately wanted to share it with you. Since experiencing this meditation, we've been feeling more inspired, supported, and connected with each of you. The meditation that follows can especially be used for expanding your Prosperity consciousness and expanding your network with like minds.

Lull yourself into a relaxed state and allow these word pictures to take you to the golden grid above our planet where we can all gather to support each other. Perhaps you would like to tape this meditation to play back with your eyes closed, or read it in a group setting.

Our blessings to you for ever more Prosperity and assistance,


Full Moon
August 19, 2005
17:54 GMT

by Hilary Bee

Before you start your meditation, make sure that you won't be disturbed, and create a sense of peace and relaxation in your surroundings. Find a comfortable place in which to meditate, either indoors or outdoors. To begin your meditation, sit down in a comfortable position, either on the ground or on a chair. Close your eyes and relax your body. Allow the feeling of relaxation to permeate your whole being, and open your mind.

With your eyes still closed, imagine yourself looking up and seeing a star above you. Bring the white light of the star down into your crown chakra, and then allow the light to travel down your body through each chakra. At the base of your spine, the light divides into two, continuing downwards through each leg and into the earth below. The light moves down into the center of the earth, where it finds an anchor and fastens itself to the anchor. You are now grounded and connected to the earth.

Red light from the earth begins to travel up the pathway formed by the white light, continuing through your body and up to the star above you. The red light wraps around the star. Notice the feeling of being whole and complete, solid and rooted, connected and distinct. Notice how you are able to appreciate the perspective of both above and below. Bring the white light back down the pathway of light and the red light back up, so that the light merges into one color of pink. Notice the feeling of being grounded and
connected to the universe at the same time. Take in the feeling of being relaxed, healthy, and synergistically working in tune with all that is.

Allow a thread of golden light to emerge from your heart, and surround yourself in a ball of golden light in the shape of an egg.
Allow the space that you are in to be filled with golden light and breathe deeply. Notice that sitting across from you is your best friend, and send the thread of golden light to your friend's heart, so that you are both connected. Enjoy the feeling of being connected with your best friend by this golden thread of light. Then notice how two more of your friends are now sitting beside your first friend, also connected to you by a golden thread of light coming from your heart. Gradually more and more friends and family members of your choice are coming in, and they too are connected with you by a golden thread of light from your heart. The whole space is pulsating with powerful golden light.

Send the golden light into every room in your home if you are indoors, or into your immediate surroundings if you are outside.
Every room in the building is filled from ceiling to floor with golden light. The golden light is now surrounding the building or space. Next you send it to your neighbors in either side, filling their homes and gardens with golden light from your heart. Continue up and down the street, until all your neighbors homes are filled with golden light. Notice that your neighbors are waving and acknowledging you as you do so. Expand the golden light until it fills your immediate neighborhood, to include all the homes, gardens, buildings and open spaces. Go to your nearest main intersection and fill all the homes and buildings in your area with your golden light.

From there, travel along the main road or freeway through your city, town or area until it is completely filled with your golden light. Continue traveling so that your state, county or district is also filled with golden light. Then expand the light further to fill your whole country with your golden light. See it glowing and sparkling. Continue to expand the light so that it fills the countries that are nearest to your country, seeing them also begin to glow and sparkle. See the globe slowly spinning on its axis, and as it does so each country, every ocean and sea are filled with your golden light. The whole globe is now filled with your delicious golden light.

Keeping your eyes closed, look above you and see the golden grid that surrounds the earth, sparkling and full of light. Each spark that you see is a human or friendly entity with a connection with the earth. This golden grid is your connection to the universe. Connect your golden thread of light from your heart to the grid, there is a perfect place waiting for you to plug in. Feel your connection to all the beings on the grid, feel their warmth, their love and their warm welcome and acceptance of you. They are all greeting you and acknowledging you. Allow this warmth to enter every aspect of your being and let out a long relaxed breath. You are home.

Send your love, warmth, acceptance and welcome back to the grid, and feel the exchange as you become part of the sparkling light. There are many here who have what you need and many who need what you have.
This is your opportunity to connect with them. Announce yourself, saying your name and sending your love. Tell everyone there that you would like to connect with those who want what you want, those who want more in their lives. Acknowledge each person and your connection with them and send them your blessings. Tell them what it is you do, and what are your heart's desires. Invite each one to participate in your life in the way that you would like, for example by visiting your business or supporting your family in a specific way. Invite them to take down your phone number, tell them that you would love to hear from them. Give out your email address, your website, your college or whatever information is relevant. Tell them what you will do together when they visit you.

When you have given out all your information and told them everything that you would like to have help with, thank everyone on the grid for listening to you and for all their help. Tell them that you are going to leave, and that you will leave some of your golden essence behind. Feel the warmth of the connection and love for you, look around and see the acceptance and acknowledgement that is here for you. Bask in it, and notice how fully your contribution has been received. Say goodbye.

Now its time to leave. Pull the gold light back into your heart, and notice how your heart is stronger and warmer than before. You brought love and connectedness back with you from the golden grid.
With great gratitude and love, close your heart portal and feel the strength, happiness, empowerment and compassion that you now have.
Bring your attention back to your physical body and notice how alive, exhilarated, strong and supported you feel. Begin to move your hands
and feet. Gently open your eyes and notice the colors around you. You are back in your body, empowered and connected. Today is a wonderful day to be alive.


Hilary and I have made a new friend! This written meditation was inspired from a recording made by Patricia Winston, a very successful business woman. She created the meditation from resources she collected over the years and offers this gift to everyone who wishes to share in its joy and light. Patricia lives in the state of Washington and invites you to her website to learn more about her vision.

You may listen to the original meditation through your computer.

1) Go to: This is a training website for Patricia's sales team.

2) Scroll down the page to the eighth box titled "LEADS, Our Team Specialty..."

3) Click on the underlined words "Right Click" to either open or save the recording.

4) The meditation is timed at 23 minutes.

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