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Full Moon

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I have noticed in my life that everything is coming together now.
Like all the separate ingredients are now a cake! Are you finding that happening in your life?

Let's have dessert!

Many blessings,


New Moon
March 10, 2005
9:12 GMT

by Hilary Bee

Here you are today in all your glory, beautiful in all that you are and all that you bring to the present moment. And guess what, it doesn't matter how you got here. You may have noticed how you are connecting with people who have traveled very different paths and arrived to meet you. Suddenly they show up from a different world, from a different journey and you are speaking the same language. In the joy of your meeting, you may have noticed that it matters less where you came from than what you bring, it matters less what you have done than what shines from your being.

These are times of transformation, the culmination of lifetimes of seeking and effort. As we step into these times, everything that we did to get here falls away. We are left with the purity of our essence, and what we have become through the journey. We no longer need what brought us here. We embody what we have learned and have become a perfect expression of it. Anything that we do not embody, that remains external to us, is not ours to keep. In this knowing we can let go of what it was that got us here, be it our experiences, our practices, our beliefs or our skills. Either we are those things, and can never lose them or they never were ours at all.

We can also let go of any concern as to whether we are a true expression of our area of skill or mastery. Self-doubt falls away in our connectedness with our source. There is no longer an external authority which holds that tradition separate from you. As you stay true to what resonates with you, you are bringing that tradition into a new expression. As we come from source rather than from the disconnected self, we allow the tradition to speak to the present times. This is true of beginners as much as for established masters. And in our connectedness we expand each other.

What brought you to this present moment was the calling of your soul, the cry that you made that is echoing down the centuries. You destined yourself to be here right now, you destined yourself to be part of this transformation, and you made sure that you were able to participate fully. "So what am I here to do?" many people ask, "What is my purpose?". Maybe we all agree to meet, and then figure it out! Maybe the biggest part was getting here, and the rest will all become obvious and unfold. Maybe it is as much about being as about doing. It's up to you. It's up to me. It's up to us.

It doesn't matter how we got here. It just matters that we have arrived. We waited for this moment. Here it is!



Join Hilary for gatherings Monday evenings in Scottsdale, Arizona this month! You are invited!

Mondays: March 14, March 21, March 28, 2005
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Near Hwy 101/202 South Scottsdale
Call for address and directions
480 481-3137

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