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New Moon

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Our commitment to you is to share our journey with you, and bring you information about what we learn along the way. Hilary and I would like to give you some insights from a film we have seen recently, and also share some great resources with you.

Many blessings,


New Moon
May 19, 2004
04:52 GMT

by Hilary Bee

What if everything around us is a product of our thinking? What if the act of looking creates what we see? What if most of us are blind to the surrounding us in every moment? What if we have the power to change any and every aspect of our reality?

These concepts are familiar to most of us reading these words. Many of us work with affirmations and are conscious of our thoughts, in order to create positive outcomes for ourselves. A recent released film, "What the BLEEP Do We Know!?" powerfully depicts how these concepts are not just New Age thinking, but cutting edge science. It explores and explains these ideas in a refreshingly innovative way. In the movie, we see how the smallest atomic units called quanta exists as waves of alternative possibilities. They remain waves until they are observed, and with that act of observation they become particles or matter. In other words, surrounding us are an infinite number of different realities, and it is that brings them into being. Every single moment.

If anything is possible, how is it that when we get up in the morning the dirty dishes we left in the sink last night are still there? How is it that after months of saying the same affirmations for prosperity, thousands of dollars have not arrived by now and you still have to keep your day job? What if the answer is that we have so locked our thoughts into specific expectations and beliefs that it is extremely difficult to shift to a different set of possibilities? What if we are addicted to specific situations and emotional states, that we keep creating over and over again?

If this sounds depressing, there is very good news. Each of us has had the experience of , against all likelihood. For example, at the beginning of the year I instantly "cured" my TMJ problem by simply telling myself that I could heal myself of anything. The next moment I felt my jawbones moving and have never had to wear my brace since then. Every time we have this kind of experience, we build up connections in our brain that make it easier to do the next time. In my case, I have not yet cured other medical problems in this way. However, my belief system has changed, and I now know that this is something I have done. Next time it will be easier until the possibility arises that this is something that will be under my conscious control.

What if we are than we know? Isn't that an exciting thought?


WE INVITE YOU to join an exciting new community, which is distributing independent spiritually based movies on a monthly basis through the mail. Just click on this link to learn how you can enjoy inspiring film conveniently!

We encourage you to go and see this movie when it comes your way. It is not yet on general release. Visit to find out more.


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