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Where would we be without clear, pure water? Don't we take it for granted that water will flow out of our faucets whenever we desire it? Do we leave water running unnecessarily? Waste or pollute our precious supply of water? Do we even give it a second thought?

We receive the gifts from water everyday. This New Moon we are inviting you to join conscious people all around our planet to say "Thank You" to the water that gives us life and pleasure. It is time.

Many blessings,


New Moon
July 17, 2004
11:24 GMT

by Hilary Bee

We have long known that our thoughts create reality, and that what we think has a profound effect upon ourselves and those around us. We have known that sending our love, our prayers, our wishes and energy to others makes a difference in some intangible way. We have known that the love in our hearts transforms ourselves and everyone we encounter. Now through the pioneering work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, we have tangible proof from the scientific world validating these truths in quantifiable ways. Its time to celebrate, time to offer our profound gratitude and time to give back to all those who have got us to this place today.

"Message from Water", published by HADO Kyoikusha,
Eastside Bldg. 1F, 1-1-11 Yanagibashi,
Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0052, JAPAN

Dr. Emoto has shown that our thoughts, words and intentions cause physical changes to take place in water. He found that when specific thoughts are directed towards water, these thoughts change the shape of the crystals formed when the water is frozen.When loving messages are projected onto the water, the water forms exquisitely beautiful crystals. When unloving messages are sent, the water makes deformed crystals or is unable to form any at all. The photograph at the head of this article shows the crystal that was formed when the words "Love and Gratitude" were taped onto the outside of a bottle of water. Dr Emoto has a library of photographs including those of water that changed its structure after loving thoughts were sent to it from a distance.

Our bodies are composed of about 70% water. Our planet is also composed of about 70% water. If our thoughts affect the very structure of water, then we can assume that they affect our physical bodies and our external reality. This is no longer just an esoteric idea, but now it is also a provable hypothesis. Do we need more proof how important it is to be very conscious of everything we think, everything we say and of every intention? When love and gratitude infuse our every thought, then we create a world of beauty inside ourselves and all around us.

When I first came to live here in the desert in Arizona, I was shocked how profligate we were with water, how casually we treated it. I saw lawns and pools and golf courses and fountains and artificial lakes. I saw that there was no limit on the number of showers or baths I could take in a day, or how long I could water my garden. Things have changed a little, yet we still take water very much for granted, expecting it to flow at our convenience and paying very little attention to how our lives depend upon it. We barely think about it, or the myriad of ways in which we interact with it each and every day of our lives.

It is time for us to be conscious of water, and pay attention to it in a whole new way. This is not just because our lives depend on the quality and quantity of our water. It turns out that water itself has a consciousness, and it is interacting with us in very profound ways. It is reflecting our innermost thoughts and intentions back to us in every moment. With its ability to flow and transform itself, it also connects us with all living things upon the planet.

What a different place this world would be if each of us interacted with water with great love and respect. Dr. Emoto suggests that we give thanks to the water every time we wash our hands, flush the toilet, wash the dishes or interact with it in any way. He is also leading a world-wide ceremony on July 25th 2004, to give love and thanks to water. The ceremony will take place in Liechtenstein, in Europe at 7pm local time. People from across the world have sent water from where they live to be part of the ceremony. All the water will be joined together, blessed and thanked with deepest gratitude and sent down the Rhine River to disperse around the world.

Dr. Masaru Emoto

At Moon Meditations we are planning our own ceremony to participate in this outpouring of love, gratitude and healing for the waters of our planet and of our own bodies. We went some water to Liechtenstein to be part of the ceremony there. We invite you to join us in your own unique way to honor, love and respect all the waters of this earth. We thank you ahead of time with profound love and deepest gratitude.

Will you join us at 1900 GMT on July 25th to celebrate water? We
have provided some suggestions for you to use in your own ceremony..

If you would like more information about the source of this research
and Dr. Masaru Emoto's "Project of Love and Thanks to Water", you may
visit his site at Here are two more links
about Dr. Emoto's work

Why not order some fountains for serenity in your home and to honor the water's presence everyday? Just click on the pictures for more details.

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"Message from Water"
By Dr. Emoto

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