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New Moon

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The Moon and Mars

New Moon
August 27, 2003
17:26 GMT
by Hilary Bee
The Moon and Mars This New Moon brings us a very unique energy and opportunity, inviting us to reach for our highest possibilities. You many know that the planet Mars is the closest it has been to earth for 60,000 years, and at New Moon it is at its very nearest. Here at Moon Meditations we couldn’t ignore this amazing reality. We want to discuss it with you. In Arizona we can look in the Eastern sky in the early evening and see Mars glowing red. What does it signify, what does it bring us?
Typically we think of Mars as associated with war, strife, anger and conflict. Yet this is only part of the picture. The energy of Mars is outward looking, goal directed and single minded, qualities often seen as masculine. In itself this energy is neither positive nor negative. Energy With Mars being so close to us, we are all being given a huge boost of energy and it is up to us what we choose to do with it. Will we choose to express pent up anger and create conflict? Will we choose to use our anger to bring about changes that our hearts long for? Will we rethink our goals and ride the energy of Mars so that we can be more than we have ever been? What is the inspired Moon Meditator to do?
First of all we can be conscious of any tendency we have towards anger, in ourselves and others. We can watch for any impulse to lash out, fight, dump our feelings or retaliate. Awareness Step back, breathe and practice letting go. We can practice looking for higher solutions, constructive outcomes and win-win results. We can look for shared answers that move us towards community rather than separation. That’s just for starters.
Can anger ever be positive, can we use it constructively in our lives to bring about the kind of world we would like to see? Surely our anger at such things as deliberate cruelty and senseless destruction is healthy? It’s what drives us to get up and do something to stop it from happening. Even the Dalai Lama does not have easy answers to this! Motivation I suggest that in these instances anger is a great motivating force. I also suggest that how we express it is crucial. If we allow ourselves to lash out against individuals or groups of people, then we create obstacles and resistance to our goals. If we allow our anger to drive us, and conduct ourselves in loving and inclusive ways, then we give others the opportunity to join with us.
Right now Mars is offering us a quickening, an activation that is outward looking and can be directed like a laser beam. We can put our hand upon this light source and point it where we want. The onus is on us to use it responsibly and not to waste this once-in-many-lifetimes opportunity. Activation This means being in integrity, and using our will power for our highest purposes. We can examine our life goals and make any changes or adjustments that we see fit. We can look at what we would love to have in our lives. We can stretch ourselves to be more than we have ever been. We can join with others to energize shared goals.
We can transform darkness into light. I celebrate all those people who during the recent blackouts on the East Coast, stepped into community and sharing Celebration rather than fear and lack. Let us be proactive and step there willingly. Let us not wait for adversity or war to bring out these qualities in ourselves. Let us wear red and celebrate the coming of the Red Planet.

Love, Hilary

Hilary Bee offers insight to using this potent Mars energy to break through some personal barriers in your life. If you would like to tap into your own soul's record for some direction, clarity and answers, we invite you to email Hilary for more information about reading your Akashic Record.
If you are meeting as a group this New Moon, share any challenges you have been facing with your friends. Discuss positive ways to focus the effects of this strong masculine energy and perhaps balance it with the lunar feminine energy (note the composition of the photograph!). We invite you to benefit from this most rare opportunity.
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