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New Moon

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Have you allowed particular stones to assist you on your life path? My friends at Star Woman Crystals have made it their mission to bring that ancient knowledge to you. Read on for more Prosperity tips...

Many blessings,


New Moon
November 2, 2005
01:26 GMT

"Enhancing your Moon Rituals"
by Betty McCauley

The Waxing Moon is when the Moon is getting larger in the sky, moving from the New Moon towards the Full Moon. Historically this has been a time for prayers and rituals that attract prosperity and bring positive changes in life. This is a time for new beginnings, to conceptualize ideas and to invoke your intentions. At this time the Moon represents the Goddess in her Maiden aspect. The period of the Waxing Moon lasts about 14 days. Once the Moon is full she represents the Goddess in her Mother aspect. The period of the Full Moon lasts for three days before and three days after the Full Moon.

Each of us has probably heard of folklore associated with rituals concerning the Moon and attracting money into our lives. My Grandmother always said that if you waved your empty wallet under the Waxing Moon just before the Full moon, God would fill your wallet with money. I have to admit that I have been known to have my empty wallet waving in the air, under the Waxing Moon. Each time I have come into unexpected money.

The colors green and gold have also been associated with drawing abundance to us. Has anyone reading this ever burned a green candle to attract money or wrapped their bills in a green cloth? Have you kept a bright shiny gold metallic item in a hidden special place? Intentionally incorporating green and/or gold into our daily lives can open the door to more abundance.

Different scents are also said to attract prosperity into our lives. Bayberry, Cinnamon, Tangerine and Mint all are said to be good for this purpose. I don't think it is a coincidence that the same Grandmother that told me about the empty wallet also always had Bayberry candles in her home. (The smell of Bayberry brings back many wonderful rich memories of visits with my Grandmother.)

Stones and minerals are also linked to attracting money. For over 5000 years, royal blue Lapis Lazuli has been highly treasured by many, including King Tutankhamen to Katherine the Great. Aventurine, a light green stone, is an excellent stone to assist one in reaching out past one's comfort zone to pull the energies in. When it comes to money, perceive it as an adventure, as opposed to a trek into the Wilds. For centuries, the Chinese culture speaks of the auspicious characteristics of Green Jade. The deep golden layers of Tiger's Eye reminds us that riches come in innumerable ways that extend from the heart all the way out to the depths of the Earth. The diversity of Citrine's beautiful golden colorations, remind us that there are many paths to abundance. Maybe shiny Iron Pyrite is your sparkling reminder that you are a money magnet! Keep in mind that Gold and Silver have been used for ages as the standards for currency.

It has been suggested to act as a person with great wealth, one ought to consider purchasing a new purse/wallet, wearing more expensive jewelry... in general, to attract wealth, we need to have some higher-end items we incorporate into our daily lives. Wealth attracts wealth.

All of these tools help to focus our attention and intent on what we want to manifest in our lives. We can obtain abundance when we focus our energies. In conjunction with the waxing phase of the moon prayers/rituals, find the tools and ideas that work best with you and watch how you will be bubbling over with abundance!


Elizabeth "Betty" McCauley is co-owner of "Star Woman Crystals". Both Betty and partner Shari Gackstatter have a mission to connect you with the wonders of Mother Earth through their knowledge of the mineral kingdom for beauty, support, and spiritual advancement. Betty and Shari have an extensive inventory of unique and rare products you can view online at or in person at their cozy Scottsdale, Arizona showroom. Allow Betty and Shari to assist you and prove their unmatched level of service and genuine caring.

480 423-9512
877 262-5521

"Energies from the Earth"

Cynthia designed and handcrafted a Prosperity card just for you!

Mother of Pearl - to shed old programming
Red Tiger's Eye - to have and maintain Wealth and Aventurine for Prosperity

Have these stones close to you for their Prosperity energy!

Available for purchase at:

Moon Money is a gift card that reveals an ancient folk tradition to bring you more Prosperity and Abundance! Why not order one right now? Let Moon Money work for YOU!

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