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New Moon

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New Moon

New Moon
November 23, 2003
22:59  GMT
by Hilary Bee (with Anne Sharman and Annie)

Doreen Virtue, Cynthia Peden & Hilary Bee Doreen Virtue, Cynthia Peden & Hilary Bee
Are you finding this a powerful month? We had a Lunar Eclipse at the Full Moon on November 8th, coupled with an opening of an energy portal with the Harmonic Concordance. Now we approach the New Moon paired with a Solar Eclipse. These celestial events are bringing new possibilities and energies into our lives, giving us the opportunity to raise our vibration and be the best that we can be.

Sometimes these changes can be unsettling. You may find yourself questioning things that seemed certain, or finding new urgency to address your spirituality. One avenue that may assist you is to connect with nature and ground your energy so that you can be fully present.

As another possibility, we would like to suggest the use of Angels Cards. We are very excited to bring you an article about this simple and effective way to connect with your divine guidance, and receive loving answers to questions you are facing. On this New Moon, two women from England share their experiences using Angel Cards. One woman, Anne Sharman, uses her cards to offer professional spiritual guidance and counseling to clients. The other woman, Annie, uses her cards for personal direction in her life and with her friends. You will see that there is no right or wrong way to use them, just what feels right to you. Read on!

There are a wide variety of angel cards on the market. Used honestly and lovingly, they can be very powerful tools for guidance in life?s journey. In this article, two women will describe the cards they have and how they use them. If you are drawn to using angel cards yourself, be open to how you work with them. Before using them as a predictive tool, you will need to personalise them and instill them with your energy. During this process, observe how you respond to the cards. When do you feel the most connection with them? When do you get that ?aha? moment? You need to build a relationship with your cards, and, as in all relationships, it thrives on trust and requires sensitivity and intuition. The more you trust, the greater the power of the cards. And practice makes perfect: go to them often. The more you speak with them, the clearer the message will become.

Annie?s Story

The cards I use are Doreen Virtue?s ?Healing With The Angels?. I was attracted to the cards, but found the ?pick a card? method felt too arbitrary. So I sat down by the pool one day on holiday and spent time holding each card individually, until I felt that it had completely absorbed my energy, until I felt to let go. With some cards this was quite quick, with others, I held them for about 5 minutes. I read in the instruction book about the suggested ways to use them and decided to go with my intuition rather that follow any prescribed pattern.

I was on a particularly delicate holiday with two other people. We were all in precarious relationships with each other and vulnerable in ourselves. I decided to draw a card each day for each of us to guide me towards what we each needed. The way I drew each card was to completely focus on that person, and when I had my mind and my heart full of them, to start going through the cards one by one to see which card wanted to come to me for that person. Sometimes a card would drop out of the pack straight away, other times I would be moving through the pack for a long time and had to be patient and hold onto my faith that the message was there for me.

Click Here to read more of Annie's Story
Anne?s Story

?Messages from Your Angels?, are the most powerful pack of cards that I have ever worked with. Whether it is that I am fortunate enough to have a pack that Doreen Virtue signed for me that makes them that extra bit special, I really don?t know. The cards always highlight the current situation or issue with complete accuracy for the person I am reading for. This alone can be a satisfactory outcome for some clients.

I often give readings to clients over the telephone. I never ask what the circumstances are surrounding the reading as the less I know the better.
I simply get them to think of a question whilst I am shuffling the cards or to ask ?What do I need to know right now?? and let the Angels take care of it. I ask them to tell me when to stop shuffling the cards and at that point I take the top 3 cards from the pack to work with. I will re-shuffle and deal the cards as many times as we need as the reading progresses. I work the same way with clients when I am reading face to face. The reason I use this method is that I do not want my cards to be handled by anyone else. Once the pack has been touched by someone other than myself they will need cleansing before they can be used again for another reading.

Click Here to read more of Anne's Story

Cleansing Your Angel Cards

Cynthia Peden, Doreen Virtue & Hilary Bee Cynthia Peden, Doreen Virtue & Hilary Bee
We were blessed to hear directly from Doreen Virtue on her suggested way of cleansing the cards. This is important to do regularly, whether or not anyone else handles them. She recommends taking the pack, holding them face down and knocking on them as if you were knocking on a door. This clears them of unwanted energy. Alternatively you can put them outside, under sunlight or moonlight. When this is done, you rededicate them by going through them and touching each one of them to reconnect with them. Then you fan out the cards and place them on your heart, and lovingly speak to them of your intentions in using them.

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