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Have you ever had defeatist thoughts right after some very positive spiritual experiences? Sometimes the goal seems furthest away right before we reach it. They say the darkest hour is just before dawn. Hilary's article is a timely reminder of hope.


New Moon
June 6, 2005
21:56 GMT

by Hilary Bee

As children many of us had hopes and dreams about the kind of world we wanted to see around us. We had an innate vision of what a balanced and healthy world would look like, including our connectedness to each other, to the earth and to a power greater than ourselves. Over the years what we saw and experienced around us was so far removed from that vision, that some of us forgot our dreams and some of us despaired or became cynical. Now none of us needs convincing that the overall picture of how human beings conduct ourselves and how we treat our planet is very seriously out of kilter.

Given the magnitude of the imbalance, it is often hard to believe that this state of affairs will change any time soon or that what we do can make a difference. Yet because of our innate humanity, we do the best that we can anyway - sewing love wherever we can and singing our song even if no-one seems to be listening. Many of us are weary. We have had our hopes raised and dashed too many times. Some days it is hard to find the energy to get up and do it all again.

And yet, and yet... not a day goes by without me receiving messages of hope and renewal from very diverse sources. They are all pointing in the same direction - we are living in times of transformation and incredible possibility, a rare doorway that has not been open for thousands of years. There are many paths that lead to that doorway and at the same time all the paths are one. If you are reading this message it means that you destined yourself to be alive right now and destined yourself to be part of the solution.

Don't give up just before you get there! Don't lose sight of your long kept dreams just before you have the opportunity to make them come alive beyond your wildest imagining. Seize the opportunities to be of service as they come to you. Put your house in order. Seek harmony and respect in all your relationships. Act lovingly towards the earth. The time is now. You are being called back home to oneness. The long night of apparent separation is almost at an end. Release your images of the form in which the transformation will come. Expect the best. Pray for oneness and joy for yourself and all of humankind. Follow your heart. You have done the work and you are ready.



We invite you to check
for a message of hope.

Will you participate with us?

This New Moon we are offering you a 1 oz. combination flower essence from Star Essences at a discount price of only $1 plus shipping and handling. It is called "Earth Balancing Trinity", to help balance Mother Earth.

We are being asked to put 3 drops on the earth - in many locations. Also, place the bottles where you are guided, including on maps! You can also take this essence internally, in recognition that we ourselves are of the earth, one with the soil, the flower and the rain. You may offer an affirmation of Gratitude to the earth as you use this phenomenal essence.

Thank you for joining us in consciously appreciating our wonderful, abundant, lush, rich, giving, breathing Mother Earth, Gaia.

Just send a check for $5.50 US to Hilary Bee, P.O. Box 11253, Scottsdale, AZ 85271 to cover expenses.

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