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This past week I had an opportunity to be especially fulfilled. I prioritized a creative project which took me to BLISS! This experience made me wonder why I would even consider doing ANYthing else! Do we do every mundane thing first, before we allow ourselves to follow our bliss? Do we elect to stay in situations that keep us stagnate for financial concerns, or fear of change? Know that doing what we truly love has a higher purpose. You are encouraged.

Many blessings,


Full Moon
July 21, 2005
11:01 GMT

by Hilary Bee

Hilary BeeSome of us remember those years when it was all about raising our consciousness. That was a precursor for the present times when it is all about raising our vibration. Our greatest service right now is to raise our vibration and hold more light. It also happens to be the most fun and life affirming way to be! As we hold and embody ever higher frequencies of energy, so we increasingly experience life as pleasure, joy and bliss. This is what we came here to do, to assist in bringing in this new paradigm. At times we can get very serious about our life's mission. What if it is to dance in the cosmic dance, to play with divine playmates and be so in our joy that everything turns effortlessly to bliss?

Raising our vibration means seeking out the very best ways to increase the energetic frequencies of our bodies on a continual basis. As we do so, we are able to receive more light and love and have those qualities flow through us into the world around us. These higher energies themselves transform us, so that we let go of those parts of ourselves that resonate at a lower frequency. We seek out modalities, tools, places and people that make our hearts sing. We find ourselves letting go of habits, situations, things and places that bring our energies down. We seek to shift our relationships so that each interaction with every person enhances both parties, bringing blessings all round. We notice those areas of our lives that are not in integrity and not in alignment, and we seek to make adjustments so that they feel congruous and healthy.

We are making these changes because it is our deepest desire to do so. We have set all this up for ourselves a very long time ago. We are seeking to return to our natural state, to come home to a way of being that resonates to our core. Just to do this for ourselves would be enough, the personal pay-off is deeply rewarding. Yet as we raise our vibration, we are also affecting everyone around us. First of all we affect everyone who is immediately connected to us through everyday encounters - family, friends, co-workers, check-out clerks and so on. Those people experience enhanced love, communication, joy and fun with us which in turn puts them into a higher level of vibration. We also affect those in our vicinity, who come into our energy fields without a word being spoken. Everyone who lives on your street is positively affected by your presence. We raise the vibration of everyone who is indirectly connected to us, through family ties, blood lines, racial groups, nationality, gender and pretty soon that's everyone in the world.
Yes, we are all connected.

So as we allow more love and light to flow through us, we lead the way for others. That is what being a lightworker is all about. We each have different talents, different specialties and different domains. Even when we think we are not doing very much, our very presence, our very vibration is making a huge difference.
Everything we have ever done has been in preparation for this present moment. For example, learning to trust our intuition has been a preparation for staying safe and in tune amidst change and uncertainty. More change is coming. As we bring in higher frequencies of love, we light the way for ourselves and others.

Such a pleasure to connect with you through these words. Thank you.


Cynthia Peden, Dr. Emoto & Hilary BeeDid you participate in the water blessing ceremony with us a year ago? July 25th marks the day designated by Dr. Emoto worldwide to honor this planet's water resource. Do we ever take it for granted!

Very simply, with any amount of water from a glass to an ocean, please join with us to thank the water. If this seems silly, just mark how many times you use water in only a day...

Dr. Emoto suggests we say the following:

"I love you, water. I thank you water. I respect you water."

His research has shown that these words carry a vibration high enough to cleanse polluted water!

Are you wondering how to create a ceremony of your own or plan a gathering? Here's what we did last year - be sure to click on the link for the water blessing ceremony:

You can do a blessing individually, align with Dr. Emoto and his guests, or join us in Phoenix for our ceremony. We will meet at 5:00 pm on Monday, July 25th at Arizona Falls for one hour.

Email if you plan to attend or would like us to include your words in this ceremony.

For those of you who were not able to attend you can find out all about the event in our Water Blessing Report.


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